
             Our classes consist of a warm up in which our kids prepare their muscles and lungs for class. The warm up consists of stretching and strength exercises with a strong focus on prevention of injury. The movements in our warmups prioritise motor skills and physical coordination while also exercising mental coordination and instinctive movement. In our warmups we ensure that our kids will be able to move instinctively in a safe and active way throughout the rest of the class and form positive habits that can be used throughout their lives. These warmups can also take place in groups and as a team, which helps our kids work on their teamwork, respect and discipline.

The techniques in our Little Champions class teach our kids how to protect themselves, utilising drills to practice key self-defence movements. In these drills our little champions always rotate and alternate partners in order to help them grow social skills and learn how to interact with other kids, fostering positive communication and interaction. Our techniques help to teach our kids specific movements that simulate real self-defence situations. This way, these skills can be practiced in a safe and fun environment under the supervision of the Maroccolo Academy.

Our Little Champions class promotes confidence, motor skills, physical coordination, prevention of injury, and communication.

Every child in the class has different needs and goals and our professors will cater towards every individual child to help them achieve their best and to have fun. Whether it be to train for competitions, learn self-defence from bullies, gain confidence, or simply make friends and have fun, the Maroccolo Academy will provide it!

Our Bullyproof Program

Our Bullyproof program is one element of our Little Champions 1 class and provides skills to our kids on
how to manage a situation in which they or someone else is being bullied. Our Bullyproof program helps our
little champions to improve their confidence and learn how to stand up for themselves. In these classes our
professors teach our kids how to protect and defend themselves without punching, kicking, or fighting the
bully. Our kids learn in this class to never hurt the bully because once they hurt the bully, they become
the bully and will be in trouble with your teachers and guardians. We teach our kids that in the instance
that the bullying becomes physical they can implement taught Jiu Jitsu techniques to neutralise the bully,
then continue to negotiate with them using key words. These skills teach our kids to avoid confrontation and
prioritise contacting a responsible adult as a first and critical step. This is key to our Bullyproof


As always, our classes include engaging and fun games for the kids to enjoy and implement the techniques
they have learned. Our games focus on improving motor skills, teamwork, and comradery with one another.
These games include movements that will help with prevention of injury and promote social skills such as
respect, listening to and following instruction, and all the skills that our little champions need!