Designed by our Founder through experience

Marcos Maroccolo spent his life travelling around the world training and teaching with first rate masters and world champions from backgrounds in judo, Jiu Jitsu and wrestling, with the sole purpose of developing a methodology capable of creating champions

White belt app

With accessibility in mind, we adopted an online attendance app in which students can sign in for scheduled classes. This app is also used by the instructors to evaluate the student’s performance to decide when they will be able to graduate and change belts.

International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation Belt System

Here at Maroccolo Academy, we make use of the IBJJF Belt System in which the students change belts according to their class attendance, technical prowess and emotional discipline. This system aims to reward the students for their progress.

Warm up Cool down

The Maroccolo Academy masters are all instructed to start every training session with a series of exercises that prevent potential injuries and also provide students with a chance to explore and expand their flexibility, mobility and cardio. Here at Maroccolo Academy we prioritise safety first. After training, students will go through the cool down exercises, in which they will return to a calmer state of mind before leaving class.

Class hierarchy

During training sessions at Maroccolo Academy, the students are lined up according to their belts. Although there is a hierarchy in place, we preach that every student, instructor and master present deserve the same level of respect. That means our family is ready to embrace every newcomer. This structure and philosophy allow us to form stronger bonds and watch each other’s back as we grow together as champions.

Training Partners

All the training classes at Maroccolo Academy are structured to enhance the student’s experience. With that in mind, masters and instructors will assemble students in pairs at certain points during instruction. Each and every pair formed aims to improve every student’s experience during class.
Our philosophy of training preaches that in order for you to become a champion, you have to help others to achieve that same objective. “Alone you go faster, together we go far”. This proverb is especially true when it comes to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, since your partner’s skills will determine the quality of your training. One that puts himself amongst champions, become a champion.

Beyond Jiu-Jitsu

The training methodology adopted by our masters and instructors aims to develop more than one’s martial arts skills, it also greatly improves one’s focus, discipline, mental toughness, strategic planning capabilities, companionship, social skills, fitness, flexibility and motor skills.